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Fernández Díaz niega que tuviera intención de vincular el aborto con ETA

May 7th, 2013 admin Posted in Noticias | No Comments »

Madrid, 7 may (EFE).- El ministro del Interior, Jorge Fernández-Díaz, ha negado hoy que tuviera intención de vincular a las personas que abortan con los terroristas de ETA y ha asegurado que “jamás” se le ha pasado por la cabeza comparar una cosa con la otra.

Original post by Agencia EFE

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South Carolina ex-governor Sanford makes comeback to win House seat

May 7th, 2013 admin Posted in Noticias | No Comments »

By Harriet McLeod CHARLESTON, South Carolina (Reuters) – Republican former Governor Mark Sanford made a stunning political comeback on Tuesday, rebounding from a sex scandal to beat Democrat Elizabeth Colbert Busch in a personality-driven election for a seat in the U. S. House of Representatives that put a national spotlight on South Carolina. Sanford regained the First Congressional District seat he held from 1995 to 2001 before serving two terms as governor, the second of which was marred when he tried to hide an affair by saying falsely that he was hiking the Appalachian Trail. . . .

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Michael Jackson padecía de artritis lumbar

May 7th, 2013 admin Posted in Noticias | No Comments »

En la imagen, el fallecido cantante estadounidense Michael Jackson, cuya muerte se produjo en junio de 2009.Los Ángeles, 7 may (EFE).- El ayudante médico de la Oficina del Forense del condado de Los Ángeles, Christopher Rogers, declaró hoy en el juicio civil por la muerte de Michael Jackson que el "rey del pop" sufría de artritis en la zona lumbar así como en los dedos cuando falleció en junio de 2009.

Original post by Agencia EFE

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Trasladan al puerto de Almería a 23 argelinos rescatados de una patera a 21 millas de Carboneras

May 7th, 2013 admin Posted in Noticias | No Comments »

Salvamento Marítimo traslada al puerto pesquero de Almería capital a 23 inmigrantes, de origen argelino y entre los que se podrían encontrar unos cinco adolescentes, que han sido rescatados a bordo de una patera que se encontraba a unas 21 millas al este de Mesa Roldán, en Carboneras.

Original post by Europa Press

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Un ciclista de Aretxabaleta de 44 años fallece al ser atropellado por un turismo en Aramaio (Álava)

May 7th, 2013 admin Posted in Noticias | No Comments »

Un vecino de Aretxabaleta de 44 años ha perdido la vida esta tarde al ser atropellado por un turismo cuando circulaba en bicicleta por el término municipal alavés de Aramaio, según ha informado el Departamento vasco de Seguridad.

Original post by Europa Press

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Stop motion effects pioneer Ray Harryhausen dies at 92

May 7th, 2013 admin Posted in Noticias | No Comments »

The name Ray Harryhausen probably isn?t familiar to the average moviegoer, but fans of today?s science fiction and fantasy films owe a debt to the legendary effects wizard, who died Tuesday at the age of 92. For decades, Harryhausen was Hollywood?s premiere stop motion effects artist, building models that would seemingly interact with actors on [. . . ]

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Dow ends above 15,000 for first time, S&P closes at record

May 7th, 2013 admin Posted in Negocios | No Comments »

By Caroline Valetkevitch NEW YORK (Reuters) – The Dow closed above 15,000 for the first time on Tuesday and the S&P 500 ended at another record high, extending the market’s rally as more investors rushed to join the party and German industrial data beat expectations. It was the fourth straight record close for the S&P 500. Both the Dow and the S&P 500 hit intraday record highs as well. "People are concerned they’re missing the boat if they’re not fully invested in the stock market right now," said Eric Kuby, chief investment officer of North Star Investment Management Corp. , in Chicago. . . .

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ERC, ICV y CUP creen que Gobierno ha blindado a la infanta ante la justicia

May 7th, 2013 admin Posted in Noticias | No Comments »

Barcelona, 7 may (EFE).- ERC, ICV y la CUP han coincidido hoy en considerar que los jueces han suspendido la imputación de la infanta Cristina después de que el Gobierno del PP haya querido “blindarla” de la acción judicial por el Caso Nóos, y han puesto en duda que la justicia actúe igual en todos los asuntos de corrupción.

Original post by Agencia EFE

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Rosa Díez pregunta a F.Díaz si planteará que el aborto sea un acto terrorista

May 7th, 2013 admin Posted in Noticias | No Comments »

Madrid, 7 may (EFE).- La portavoz de UPyD, Rosa Díez, quiere saber si el ministro del Interior, Jorge Fernández Díaz, piensa promover que el aborto se considere un acto terrorista después de haber afirmado que las dos cuestiones “algo tienen que ver, pero no demasiado”.

Original post by Agencia EFE

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Anne Hathaway PEACES On ‘Dark’ Film, Lets Keira Knightley Pick Up The Slack!

May 7th, 2013 admin Posted in Entretenimiento | No Comments »

Keira Knightley is NOT settling into married life quite yet. . . Girl’s got sh*t to do! The newlywed actress is reportedly in negotiations to replace Anne Hathaway in the upcoming dark comedy Laggies, which also stars Sam Rockwell and Chloe Moretz. Rumor has it Anne quit the film because she’s joining Christopher Nolan’s highly anticipated sci-fi project, Interstellar. Hmmm! Well, we hope Keira ends up taking the part, cause there are only a few ladies in Hollywood who could fill Anne’s enviable acting shoes, and Mz. Knightley — star of blockbusters and indies alike — is definitely one of them! [Image via WENN. ]

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