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Luis Ángel Landín fue presentado con Cruz Azul

May 4th, 2013 Posted in cruz azul, Futbol, futbol mexicano, morelia | No Comments »

div style=”text-align: center;”img src=”http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l34/eliasal87/elias4/m_angel412x232.jpg” /br //divbr /div style=”text-align: justify;”El delantero mexicano Luis Ángel Landín fue presentado este martes como nuevo refuerzo del Cruz Azul, luego de que el club cementero lograra un acuerdo para cambiarlo con Morelia en lugar del también delantero span style=”font-weight: bold;”Miguel Sabah/span.br /br /Tras ser cuestionado por los reporteros sobre su pobre actuación en la selección preolímpica mexicana y el haber anotado sólo un gol en todo el 2008, respondió queispan style=”font-style: italic;” /span”esos golpes me llenan de experiencia y madurez”/i, y que span style=”font-style: italic;””son rachas por las que siempre pasa un delantero”/span, haciendo alusión a su span style=”font-weight: bold;”mal desempeño/span frente al arco rival.br /br /También agradeció a la directiva de la Máquina por haber confiado en él, pues ya necesitaba un cambio, span style=”font-style: italic;””porque en Morelia ya no tenía actividad”/span.br /br /span style=”font-style: italic;””Con esta playera se debe exigir siempre”/span, concluyó.br /br /Fuente: a href=”http://espndeportes.espn.go.com/news/story?id=761266amp;s=mexamp;type=story”Notimex/abr /br /ispan style=”font-size:85%;”Si te gusto esta nota, deja un comentario o a href=”http://www.blogger.com/%C2%A8http://feeds.feedburner.com/Futblog/zDVf%C2%A8″subscribete a nuestro feed/a y mantente al tanto sobre todo el FutBlog/span/i/div

Original post by Elias Arriazola Lujambio

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Resultados del Interliga 2009 videos

April 29th, 2013 Posted in america, Carlos vela, futbol mexicano, Guadalajara, morelia, pachuca, toluca | No Comments »

div style=”float: right; margin-left: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px;” a href=”http://www.flickr.com/photos/nidoazulcrema/3166652883/” title=”photo sharing”img src=”http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3258/3166652883_18a08617e5_m.jpg” alt=”” style=”border: 4px solid rgb(229, 242, 255);” //abr /span style=”margin-top: 0px;font-size:0;” a href=”http://www.flickr.com/photos/nidoazulcrema/3166652883/”Portada 04/01/09/a br / Originally uploaded by a href=”http://www.flickr.com/people/nidoazulcrema/”nidoazulcrema/a /span/divLa portada de Cancha no dice mentiras, puras promesas para miles de aficionados que pagan en dolares para ver a equipos mas fríos y duros que el Iceberg del Titanic. Aquí los resultados hasta el momento:br /br /Toluca 1-1 Morelia a href=”http://es.youtube.com/watch?v=9A-g1SqDwmg”(ver vídeo)/abr /Tecos 0-4 Pachucaa href=”http://es.youtube.com/watch?v=UGzbmR7mJa0″ (ver vídeo)/abr /Tigres 0-0 Atlas (ver vídeo)br /America 1-1 Guadalajara a href=”http://es.youtube.com/watch?v=TMXynaffx0c”(ver vídeo) /a

Original post by Prismatico

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video Veracruz 0 vs Monarcas 1 Clausura 2008

January 19th, 2008 Posted in futbol mexicano, liga mexicana, morelia, Veracruz | No Comments »

Arranco el torneo clausura y vaya de que manera el equipo de Morelia gano de visita dando un buen partido, bien por David Patiño , lastima por Antonio Mohamed que inicio mal en el puerto.

El primer gol del torneo y casi es de media cancha un golazo de 50 metros de Ignacio Carrasco,ve el video.

Original post by Prismatico

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video Interliga 2008 America 1 – Morelia 0

January 4th, 2008 admin Posted in america, futbol mexicano, morelia, penal | No Comments »

America 1 – Morelia 0 (Interliga , Enero 2008)

Los organizadores de este torneo , solo buscan dos cosas dinero y poder, el dinero poco a poco lo van disminuyendo , por las pobres entradas y el poder ahí esta.

Pero los que apoyan a este torneo para que el América pase o figure entre los mejores no visualizaron que su jugador ¨estelar¨ el Pocho Insua se les lesionaría 5 meses y que Guillermo Ochoa sigue demostrando que es el mejor y lo deben dejar ir a Europa.

Arguello que ya lleva varios goles de fuera del área anoto el solitario gol. Por cierto yo no supe que marco el arbitro como penal a favor de Monarcas.

Original post by Prismatico

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Dashboard Confessional – Am I missing Lyrics

December 11th, 2007 admin Posted in liguilla, morelia, mujer | No Comments »

“Am I Missing”

Sharp disaster in a fresh new coma
Was it worth it when it was over
Proving yourself right
You’d make the biggest noise
Well.. I’d lock my hands behind my head
I’d cover my heart and hit the deck
I’d brace myself for the impact if I were you

(It’s a long wait) is there anything
(For an answer) worth looking for
(Is there any news) worth loving for
(Is there any word) worth lying for
(Is there trauma) is there anything
(Or a struggle) worth waiting for
(Am I missing) worth living for
(Was the body found) worth dying for

Am I Missing Videos

Dashboard Confessional – Am I missing
Dashboard Confessional – Am I missing
Uploaded: December 12, 2006 at 4:30 pm
Length: 0:03:23
Rating: 4.62
Views: 8,805
Tags: Dashboard Confessional Am (I) missing I’m
Dashboard Confessional – Am i missing
Uploaded: January 25, 2006 at 5:18 am
Length: 0:04:08
Rating: 4.41
Views: 110,036
Tags: Dashboard Confessional
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dashboard confessional – ghost of a good thing Lyrics

December 11th, 2007 admin Posted in liguilla, morelia, mujer | No Comments »

“Ghost Of A Good Thing”

I guess it’s luck, but it’s the same
Hard luck, you’ve been trying to tame
Maybe it’s love, but it’s like you said
“Love is like a role that we play.”

But, I believe in you so much
I could die for the words that you say
But, I believe in you so much
I could die from the words that you say

But, you’re chasin’ the ghost of a good thing
Haunting yourself as the real thing
It’s getting away from you again
While you’re chasin’ ghosts

I guess it’s luck, but it’s the same
Hard luck, you’ve been trying to tame
Maybe it’s love, but it’s like you said
“Love is like a role that we play.”

But, I believe in you so much
I could die for the words that you say
But, I believe in you so much
I could die from the words that you say

But, you’re chasin’ the ghost of a good thing
Haunting yourself as the real thing
It’s getting away from you again
While you’re chasin’ ghosts

Just bend the pieces ‘till they fit
Like they were made for it
But, they weren’t meant for this
No, they weren’t meant for this

Just bend the pieces ‘till they fit
Like they were made for it
But, they weren’t meant for this

Chasin’ the ghost of a good thing
Haunting yourself as the real thing
It’s getting away, away, away, away from you again

Chasin’ the ghost of a good thing
Haunting yourself as the real thing
It’s getting away from you again
While you’re chasin’ ghosts

Ghost Of A Good Thing Videos

Dashboard Confessional – Ghost of a Good Thing
Recorded by John Branum at the atlanta civic center on 7-24-06.
Uploaded: July 28, 2006 at 11:40 am
Length: 0:04:07
Rating: 4.67
Views: 4,753
Tags: Dashboard Confessional
Ghost of a Good Thing (LIVE) – Dashboard Confessional
Live at the Gibson Amphitheater (Ignore the annoying bitch in the background)
Uploaded: July 30, 2006 at 4:42 am
Length: 0:04:03
Rating: 4.69
Views: 4,775
Tags: dashboard confessional
dashboard confessional – ghost of a good thing
dashboard… sorry i’m singing along 🙂 who doesn’t right??
Uploaded: February 12, 2006 at 2:04 am
Length: 0:03:55
Rating: 4.04
Views: 97,705
Tags: dashboard confessional
Ghost of a Good Thing ~ Yuna/Tidus~ Dashboard Confessional
This is a Yuna and Tidus Tribute from Final Fantasy X (10).I love this song and I was upset that no …
Uploaded: June 7, 2007 at 9:43 am
Length: 0:04:01
Rating: 4.40
Views: 12,840
Tags: Ghost Of Good Thing Yuna Tidus Tribute Dashboard Confessional Final Fantasy 10 AMV Music Video
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Dashboard Confessional- bend and not break Lyrics

December 11th, 2007 admin Posted in liguilla, morelia, mujer | No Comments »

“Bend And Not Break”

I catalog these steps now
Decisive and intentioned
precise and patterned specifically to yours.
I’m talented at breathing
Especially exhaling
So that my chest will rise and fall with yours

I’m careful not to wake you
Fearing conversation
It’s better just to hold you
And keep you pacified
I’m talented with reason
I cover all the angles
I can fail before I ever try

Try to understand there’s an old mistake that fools will make
And I’m the king of them, pushing everything that’s good away
Wont you hold me now (I will not bend I will not break)
Wont you hold me now (I will not bend I will not break)

I am fairly agile
I can bend and not break
Or I can break and take it with a smile
And I am so resilient
I recover quickly
I’ll convince you soon that I am fine

Try to understand there’s and old mistake that fools will make
And I’m the king of them, pushing everything that’s good away
Wont you hold me now (I will not bend I will not break)
Wont you hold me now (For you I rise, for you I fall)

Just hold me close to you, just hold me close to you
Just hold me close to you, just hold me close to you, to you

And try to understand there’s and old mistake that fools will make
And I’m the king of them, pushing everything that’s good away
So wont you hold me now?
Wont you hold me now?
Now, now, now, now, now

Bend And Not Break Videos

Dashboard Confessional- bend and not break
live from day one at bamboozle left its not much.. its really short because my arm started …
Uploaded: October 20, 2006 at 5:03 pm
Length: 0:01:59
Rating: 4.60
Views: 24,042
Tags: dashboard confessional bend and not break bamboozle left
Dashboard Confessional-Bend not break
Dashboard Confessional at the Bamboozle Left show on October 14th. Good show. Look how close i …
Uploaded: October 15, 2006 at 10:30 pm
Length: 0:02:37
Rating: 4.12
Views: 4,008
Tags: Chris Carrabba dashboard confessional bamboozle left lyrical genius bend not break
bend and not break
dashboard confessional. nov. 17
Uploaded: November 18, 2006 at 1:02 am
Length: 0:03:13
Rating: 0.00
Views: 3,185
Tags: dashboard
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Santos 3 Morelia 2 (5-2) Liguilla Apertura 2007

November 25th, 2007 Posted in futbol mexicano, liga mexicana, liguilla, morelia, santos | No Comments »

Santos 4 – Saprissa 1
Originally uploaded by ValdezEP

Quedo claro que equipo es el mejor del torneo y a pesar e que el Morelia quiso hacer algo, solo se quedaron en el intento, lo destacado:

  • Desde el inicio Santos empezó ganando.
  • El desafortunado cabezazo al Lorito Jimenez.
  • La aficion Santista ahora si esta gozando.
  • Vuoso recuperado futbolisticamente.
  • El golazo de Arce.
  • El buen juego de Ludueña.

Mas adelante el vídeo del partido.

Original post by Prismatico

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Morelia 0 Santos Torreon 2 Liguilla Apertura 2007

November 23rd, 2007 Posted in futbol mexicano, liga mexicana, liguilla, morelia, porrista, santos, sexy | No Comments »

Originally uploaded by TWINKYCREAM-3D

El equipo de Santos de Torreon confirma su gran paso y su buen juego, digno de análisis del por que de estos triunfos.
Polémico arbitraje, pero aun así Morelia necesita un milagro como lo habíamos dicho antes y lo peor es que no tiene a que Santos encomendarse. Por lo pronto los dejo con esta porrista santista y el vídeo con los goles vía Don Fútbol.

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Original post by Prismatico

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America 1 Morelia 0 (1-3) Repechaje Liguilla 2007 video

November 19th, 2007 Posted in aguilas, america, futbol mexicano, hot girls, liga mexicana, liguilla, morelia, porrista | No Comments »

Originally uploaded by Rodrigo Ascencio Fresan

Hay algo en el fútbol que se llama justicia divina, y ayer se vio constatado en el partido de vuelta en el repechaje mexicano.

Como divina esta la porrista del Morelia que engalana este futblog.
Morelia pasa a la liguilla 2007 con marcador global de 3-1. América a pensar en la Sudamericana.
si quieres oir el podcast futbolero entra a podgol

Original post by Prismatico

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