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El Google Phone – Tecnología

December 14th, 2009 admin Posted in Google, vende humo | No Comments »

Google Phone, con el nombre clave Nexus One, se trata de un Smartphone creado por la marca HTC, con sistema operativo Android 2.1, 5 Megapixeles, procesador de 1GHz, basado en un smartphone llamado HTC Dragon.

Los rumores empezaron a surgir después de que en Twitter se publicaran fotos del celular inteligente. Se venderá en su tienda virtual a principios del 2010, listo para ser usado con la compañía que uno escoja, una diferencia muy grande a comparación del iPhone.

Por el momento solo esta disponible para empleados de Google que están probando el nuevo Smartphone para mejorar su software.

Fuente: http://www.engadget.com/

Original post by josuno4@gmail.com (Jos)

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Gboard teclado especial para Gmail – Tecnología

December 8th, 2009 Posted in Google, vende humo | No Comments »

Google es bueno para crear software en la nube, pero ahora demuestra que también lo es para realizar hardware para usarse en la nube, es el caso del teclado Gboard, a forma de teclado numérico, tiene funciones especificas para usarse en el Gmail.

Con un precio de $19.99 dólares más impuestos, es un gadget muy funcional, con conexion usb, se configura automáticamente para usarse con Gmail .

Página Oficial: http://www.gboard.com/index.htm

Original post by josuno4@gmail.com (Jos)

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Google Music – Tecnología

November 24th, 2009 Posted in Google | No Comments »

Google proporciona un nuevo servicio, Google Music, donde todos los cibernautas podrán escuchar las rolas de moda y también comprarlas.

El monopolio de música digital hasta el momento era de iTunes, pero ahora Google entra de lleno con una mejor oferta, con iLike, Pandora, iMeem y Lala.

Página Oficial: http://www.google.com/landing/music/

Original post by josuno4@gmail.com (Jos)

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Bing.com vs Google.com

June 8th, 2009 admin Posted in Google | No Comments »

Hi guys I haven’t posted in this category in a while but I thought I would come out of hidding to talk a little about bing the new search engine from Microsoft,  when I first went there I didn’t much care for the design of the front page.  They have also started a few other services one is Bing Travel which I personally think is awesome.  Bing Travel aims to dramatically reduce the amount of time consumers spend searching for travel information by presenting comprehensive results in one place, and to help consumers make more informed decisions with tools such as Price Predictor and Rate Indicator.


Some of Bing Travel’s key features include the following:


  • Price Predictor. Bing Travel uses Farecast technology to analyze more than 175 billion airfare observations and predict whether the price of a flight is going up or down. It offers people a recommendation of "Buy Now" or "Wait," including a confidence level and expected price increase or decrease over the next seven days.
  • Rate Indicator. How does someone know if the rate for a hotel is a deal or not? The Rate Indicator analyzes historical rate data from thousands of hotels to determine whether the current price is a good deal, or not a deal at all. People can view a city map with details for each hotel, color coded by Rate Indicator data.
  • Travel Deals. Bing Travel features up-to-the-minute flight and hotel deals for nearly 40 cities around the world. When people choose their origin city, Bing Travel will show the best airfare and hotel deals it has and will even show them why particular flights are considered deals. For example, people will see that flights to certain destinations may be a record low, or more than $150 less than the average for a particular route. People can be sure that all Travel Deals are based strictly on science, not marketing.
  • Comparison Flight & Hotel Search. Bing Travel makes it fast and easy for consumers to get flight and hotel results and pricing for thousands of destinations worldwide. Finding the right flight or hotel is made simple with tools that allow people to refine results: nonstop flights only, specific airlines, hotels within a mile of an address, and many more. After selecting the hotel or flight, Bing Travel makes booking directly with suppliers or agencies seamless.
  • Fare Alerts. Most airfare price drops last less than 48 hours, so people need to be ready to jump when a fare falls. Fare Alerts will notify people if the fares for their trips drop, allowing them to catch lower fares.
  • Original travel editorial content. The new Bing Travel combines editorial content from MSN Travel and Farecast to create an in-house team of experts who write daily articles, features, slide shows and blog posts to inspire and educate travelers on destinations, travel news, tips and tricks. Bing Travel also features exclusive editorial content from some of the world’s biggest names in travel, including Peter Greenberg and Pauline Frommer. Bing Travel also licenses content from leading publications such as Travel + Leisure, Budget Travel Inc. and The Wall Street Journal.

Anyways enough about this great new service offered by Microsoft’s new Bing department lets get back to there search engine. When I first went to it I was not impressed with the design you already know this , but after using it I think it is much improved over Microsofts msn search engine, Watch out google.


Google has been dominating my referal stats for as long as I have had this site with a few exceptions Yahoo passed google up for a month or two once well google was doing a complete algorithums change and for some reason most my pages were off google but after that little hickup google picked most of them back up again and has stayed king on this site’s referal stats with MSN way down on not just all referals but search engine referals it was like number 5-6 every month in search engine referals but I notice going over stats this month Bing has passed up all referals except google. this is very impressive since it is a new search engine I didn’t even relize I was going to be included so fast much less recieve the amount of traffic I am this is great and if they keep it up at the rate they are going BING could become the new KING replacing GOOGLE as my number 1 reffer.


anyways short review of Bing is that I like it 😉 check it out everyone http://www.bing.com


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Nuevo Android UI – Tecnología

May 21st, 2009 Posted in Google | No Comments »

Recordemos cuando salio Linux, un Sistema Operativo basado en UNIX de distribución libre, pocos eran los que le daban esperanzas para que fuera el futuro OS para PC de escritorio y vean ahora es la tercera opción mas rentable del planeta, ahora Android basado en Linux, el Sistema Operativo de Google para sistemas moviles, es una gran inverion a largo plazo que esta poco a poco rindiendo sus frutos.

Aquí los dejo con una provada de lo nuevo que estan haciendo los desarrolladores con este Sistema Operativo.

Página Oficial: http://www.android.com/

Digitalcois.com — La caja del ocio

Original post by josuno4@gmail.com (Jos)

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Toda la creatividad de Google del 2008 visto en 1 minuto y medio – Tecnología

March 19th, 2009 Posted in Google | No Comments »

a onblur=”try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}” href=”http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_2ZVL8SbRjtw/ScIW-5zNE3I/AAAAAAAACok/tDwTtbG-F0I/s1600-h/google+img.jpg”img style=”margin: 0px auto 10px; display: block; text-align: center; cursor: pointer; width: 315px; height: 172px;” src=”http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_2ZVL8SbRjtw/ScIW-5zNE3I/AAAAAAAACok/tDwTtbG-F0I/s400/google+img.jpg” alt=”” id=”BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5314835780173894514″ border=”0″ //aspan style=”font-size:130%;”span style=”font-weight: bold;”span style=”color: rgb(153, 0, 0);”Grandes avances/span hemos visto span style=”color: rgb(204, 0, 0);”en Google/span, pero este 2008 fue increíblemente creativo e innovador, pero para ver lo que ha logrado, aquí tienen de la mano del mismo Googlespan style=”color: rgb(204, 0, 0);” toda su creatividad en un minuto y medio./span/span/spanbr /br /Tan solo el crecimiento de Youtube a sido vertiginoso desde el pequeño reproductor para pasar al HD y al streming, pasando por una cantidad enorme de eventos realizados por sus patrocinadores, Google Earth, paso de ser un simple mapa en 2D a un panal de gráficos en 3D, con paseos virtuales y visitas guiadas con vídeo, documentación, paseos por las calles de estados unidos, para terminar en el espacio, la luna, marte y porque no los mares de nuestra tierra.br /span id=”fullpost”br /centerbr /object width=”560″ height=”340″param name=”movie” value=”http://www.youtube.com/v/AA9s7hfFiKEamp;hl=esamp;fs=1amp;rel=0amp;color1=0x3a3a3aamp;color2=0x999999″param name=”allowFullScreen” value=”true”param name=”allowscriptaccess” value=”always”embed src=”http://www.youtube.com/v/AA9s7hfFiKEamp;hl=esamp;fs=1amp;rel=0amp;color1=0x3a3a3aamp;color2=0x999999″ type=”application/x-shockwave-flash” allowscriptaccess=”always” allowfullscreen=”true” width=”560″ height=”340″/embed/object/centerbr //spandiv class=”blogger-post-footer”Digitalcois.com -[o_0]- La caja del ocioimg width=’1′ height=’1′ src=’http://res1.blogblog.com/tracker/32080733-2876632201346833437?l=digitalcois.blogspot.com’//div

Original post by josuno4@gmail.com (Jos)

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Google Search Masters 08

August 15th, 2008 Posted in Google | No Comments »

Google Search Masters 08 es un evento que se realizará el próximo 22 de septiembre el Centro Banamex, Ciudad de México. Google Search Masters es un programa que incluye presentaciones por expertos en búsquedas que trabajan en el equipo de Google. Ellos hablarán sobre las herramientas que Google pone a disposición de los webmasters para mejorar el posicionamiento de sus sitios.

La agenda es la

Original post by Dan

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España campeona de Europa y el logo google

June 29th, 2008 Posted in brasileñas, calendario, Google, javier aguirre | No Comments »

La copa de Europa ha llegado a su fin y en Internet no ha pasado desapercibido este torneo, Ha causado Sensación que España sea la campeona de Europa.

Por eso en Google ni tardos ni perezosos han sacado esta imagen.

Si te gusto esta nota, deja un comentario o subscribete a nuestro feed y mantente al tanto sobre todo el FutBlog

Original post by Prismatico

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España campeona de Europa y el logo google

June 29th, 2008 Posted in brasileñas, calendario, Google | No Comments »

La copa de Europa ha llegado a su fin y en Internet no ha pasado desapercibido este torneo, Ha causado Sensación que España sea la campeona de Europa.

Por eso en Google ni tardos ni perezosos han sacado esta imagen.

Si te gusto esta nota, deja un comentario o subscribete a nuestro feed y mantente al tanto sobre todo el FutBlog

Original post by Prismatico

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Galatasaray Google

February 23rd, 2008 Posted in Google | No Comments »

Galatasaray Google
Originally uploaded by Galatasarayli

Excelente la muestra de Champions League que sacaron para el Galatasaray en Google, poniendo la fecha de 17 de Mayo, lugar Turquia.
A pesar de haber sido goleados 5-1 por el Bayer Leverkusen alemán, sus aficionados siguen igual de entusiastas.

El City of Manchester Stadium albergará la final de la Copa de la UEFA 2008.

Este diseño forma parte del grupo Futblog, si tienes fotos interesantes sobre el fútbol subelas ya.

Original post by Prismatico

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