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Sincronizando el futbol

May 14th, 2008 Posted in futbol picante, noticias, Xoloitzcuintles, xolos | No Comments »

Victor Alvarado CEO de Digifut y todos sus blogs, como Solotigres y Sincronizando estará en Fútbol Picante, le pedirán su opinión para ciertos temas del fútbol como:
* La importancia de que un equipo gane o pierda una final (a nivel corporativo)
* El tema de los nuevos estadios
* Y lo que afecta al fútbol una disputa pública entre personajes como Sanchez y La Volpe
y ademas de que se trata Digifut.

Esta noticia me llena de alegría, por que así se ve que la blogosfera y el Internet en general esta causando un impacto en los medios, así que los invito a todos a ver los reportajes de Fútbol Picante estas semanas por ahí puedan reconocer a Victor Alvarado que estará sincronizando el fútbol.

Si te gusto esta nota, deja un comentario o subscribete a nuestro feed y mantente al tanto sobre todo el FutBlog

Original post by Prismatico

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Soccer Mom

January 20th, 2008 admin Posted in futbol picante | No Comments »

Soccer Mom Video
Available on iTunes! Hilarious opus from Southern Cal underground legend Canbe, late of the …
Uploaded: May 2, 2007 at 1:44 am
Length: 0:04:23
Rating: 3.41
Views: 88,729
Tags: Canbe Beach Boys surf music Just Plain Big American Beauty soccer mom
The Secret Life of a Soccer Mom
The Secret Life of a Soccer Mom is a satirical look at a sexually frustrated soccer mom struggling …
Uploaded: January 25, 2006 at 5:23 pm
Length: 0:13:09
Rating: 3.79
Views: 65,533
Tags: humor sex soccer mom satirical dance life
Everclear – Volvo Driving Soccer Mom
Maaaan, this video issss soooo undergouuuudn!!!! and the beats are sooo freeesh! Oh…. SNAPP!!
Uploaded: October 31, 2006 at 8:11 am
Length: 0:03:20
Rating: 4.79
Views: 60,897
Tags: everclear volvo driving soccer mom
The Jeannie Tate Show – Bill Hader
Soccer mom JEANNIE TATE hosts a talk show from her minivan. Episode 1 Special Guest: Bill Hader …
Uploaded: February 15, 2007 at 9:01 pm
Length: 0:04:59
Rating: 4.17
Views: 511,198
Tags: bill hader snl saturday night live maggie carey liz cackowski katie schorr brian huskey sue galloway soccer mom minivan
The Soccer Mom Shuffle
This is the greatest dance of all time.
Uploaded: April 4, 2006 at 11:07 am
Length: 0:03:15
Rating: 4.95
Views: 6,112
Tags: Soccer Mom Shuffle Dance Soccermom Sweet Funny video
D-Tension Soccer Mom Video
Hilarious hip hop song about loving older women.
Uploaded: March 30, 2006 at 10:54 am
Length: 0:04:01
Rating: 5.00
Views: 11,625
Tags: d-tension dtension soccer mom milf hip hop brick records lowell boston
Soccer Mom Ho
They’re savvy, irreverent, and they’re probably being followed by Karl Rove in a big black Hummer. …
Uploaded: February 21, 2007 at 1:14 pm
Length: 0:03:04
Rating: 4.39
Views: 31,988
Tags: Soccer Mom Ho broadcomedy broad comedy music video katie goodman joan jankowski erin roberg ryan stumpe
Soccer Mom
She’s got balls, she’s got style. Just in time for Christmas, a new fragrance from the creators of …
Uploaded: December 18, 2007 at 10:12 am
Length: 0:00:32
Rating: 4.00
Views: 157
Tags: perfume parody soccer mom improv pranks series short film sketch balls fragrance spoof
BONES-Couples Counseling: Soccer Mom in the Mini-Van
Booth is not too excited for another therapy session with Bones.
Uploaded: November 2, 2007 at 7:18 pm
Length: 0:01:43
Rating: 4.88
Views: 2,891
Tags: Bones Couples Counseling
Drop It Like It’s Hot– soccer mom parody
this is a quick digital short i put together from multiple videos of soccer moms i found from …
Uploaded: May 27, 2007 at 10:03 pm
Length: 0:02:22
Rating: 4.36
Views: 14,439
Tags: drop it like its hot soccer mom parody mike crocker mcrocka productions digital short music hip hop snoop dogg dog
hotties turn into volvo driving soccer moms… get ’em while they’re HOT!
Uploaded: November 7, 2007 at 10:34 pm
Length: 0:01:14
Rating: 5.00
Views: 597
Tags: volvo driving soccer mom courtney lindsey everclear
Soccer Moms
A short, light documentary about real-life soccer moms. These women don’t just sit on the …
Uploaded: November 16, 2007 at 11:26 am
Length: 0:04:56
Rating: 5.00
Views: 386
Tags: Soccer Soccermom Women Sports Documentary
Ruby Dee, not a soccer mom, but ‘American Gangster’ Mom
Dee was born Ruby Ann Wallace in Cleveland, Ohio, the daughter of Gladys Hightower and Marshall …
Uploaded: November 17, 2007 at 8:56 am
Length: 0:06:20
Rating: 5.00
Views: 4,462
Tags: interview trailer American Gangster Ruby Dee Mother Actress BlackTree TV
Soccer Mom Arrest Pt. 1
A soccer mom gets pulled over for speeding and the cop offers her a deal she wants to refuse but …
Uploaded: December 5, 2007 at 6:24 am
Length: 0:04:05
Rating: 5.00
Views: 1,255
Tags: milf soccermom rape police trannie trannsexual sex blowjob crime penis scary funny cop oceanside california mom fat chub
amateur Soccer moms purple haze
amateur Soccer moms
Uploaded: April 23, 2007 at 3:36 am
Length: 0:07:23
Rating: 5.00
Views: 2,261
Tags: music porn sex upskirt mom hot
Bones 3×02 (5) “Soccer Mom In The Mini-Van” sub. español
última parte!!
Uploaded: December 17, 2007 at 8:56 pm
Length: 0:10:27
Rating: 4.75
Views: 2,328
Tags: Bones 3×02 Soccer Mom In The Mini-Van subtitulado español booth brennan huesos
Cheatin’ Soccer Mom in England 2004
Cheatin’ Soccer Mom Rockland County, NY based rock group travelled to England for shows in the …
Uploaded: March 4, 2006 at 2:34 pm
Length: 0:03:51
Rating: 0.00
Views: 4,073
Tags: Indie Rock Punk Warped
Crazy Soccer Mom
Crazy Soccer Mom Movie!!
Uploaded: May 9, 2007 at 2:28 pm
Length: 0:04:03
Rating: 5.00
Views: 968
Tags: Sarah Bolton Soccer Mom Crazy Funny Hilarious
Soccer Mom Trailer
This is the trailer for Tom Foolery Productions’ short film, Soccer Mom. It stars Diane Bernard as …
Uploaded: November 30, 2007 at 7:38 pm
Length: 0:01:01
Rating: 5.00
Views: 372
Tags: shotgun action hot chick soccer mom Steve Cauley Diane Bernard Greg Dorchak minivan short film trailer MILF
soccer mom feet
smf nylon toe wiggle
Uploaded: January 5, 2008 at 6:48 pm
Length: 0:00:54
Rating: 4.93
Views: 3,579
Tags: feet nylon
WRX vs Soccer Mom
The same road as my other video, only in the other direction. I was having a lovely afternoon …
Uploaded: February 24, 2007 at 2:30 pm
Length: 0:03:57
Rating: 3.33
Views: 1,207
Tags: WRX rally driving race tarmac subaru
Soccer Mom
enough said..
Uploaded: April 3, 2007 at 4:16 am
Length: 0:01:57
Rating: 5.00
Views: 1,757
Tags: Stephanie Julien Cody Despres Soccer Mom Mini Van
Soccer Mom Scooby Drift
Me drifting my soccer mom scooby in gran turismo 2
Uploaded: October 27, 2007 at 12:24 pm
Length: 0:03:28
Rating: 0.00
Views: 623
Tags: Gran Turismo 1 2 3 4 concept proluge drift dougnut crash Subaru Impreza WRX Wagon STi Rally
U.S. WNT Soccer Mom Christie Rampone – Women’s Soccer
Christie Rampone gets some babysitting help from her WNT teammates. Enjoy!
Uploaded: March 26, 2007 at 7:41 am
Length: 0:05:11
Rating: 4.80
Views: 3,290
Tags: Martynnny USWNT US WNT Women’s Soccer Rylie Christie Rampone
crazy soccer mom
some folks just want their kids to try harder
Uploaded: March 10, 2007 at 8:11 pm
Length: 0:01:28
Rating: 5.00
Views: 1,446
Tags: soccer mom
Soccer Mom
Total Soccer Mom
Uploaded: August 15, 2007 at 12:46 pm
Length: 0:01:50
Rating: 0.00
Views: 406
Tags: Soccer Mom
cheatin soccer mom
no family
Uploaded: December 3, 2007 at 8:52 pm
Length: 0:05:47
Rating: 0.00
Views: 161
Tags: cheatin soccer mom alternative
cheatin soccer mom
broken heart repaired
Uploaded: December 4, 2007 at 5:20 am
Length: 0:04:16
Rating: 0.00
Views: 165
Tags: cheatin soccer mom alternative
My Last Breath – Cheatin Soccer Mom
My Last Breath by Cheatin Soccer Mom. Filmed by It’s just a wallet productions 2007
Uploaded: March 27, 2007 at 10:32 am
Length: 0:03:21
Rating: 5.00
Views: 608
Tags: Last Breath Cheatin Soccer Mom
Ensaio – Soccer Mom (The Vandals)
Ensaio – Soccer Mom (The Vandals)
Uploaded: December 8, 2007 at 9:31 am
Length: 0:03:13
Rating: 0.00
Views: 98
Tags: ensaio soccer mom
U.S. WNT Soccer Mom Kate Markgraf – Women’s Soccer
Kate Markgraf talks about her return to the Women’s National Team after the birth of her …
Uploaded: March 25, 2007 at 6:01 pm
Length: 0:04:09
Rating: 5.00
Views: 1,474
Tags: Martynnny USWNT US WNT Women’s Soccer Kate Markgraf
Ear Expanders & Soccer Mom Distracters
My Thursday am Vlog. My ear-holes have been stretched and a curious soccer-mom almost ditches into …
Uploaded: September 13, 2007 at 2:04 pm
Length: 0:04:26
Rating: 0.00
Views: 165
Tags: Vlog
Headbanging Soccer Moms who breathe fire
A friend sent me this, I don’t know where it’s from or what it’s for, but it’s S1CK!
Uploaded: June 1, 2006 at 5:32 am
Length: 0:01:12
Rating: 4.29
Views: 1,050
Tags: headbang soccer mom metal hardcore funny helio myspace hummus mtv bam margera punk whack emo
Cheatin’ Soccer Mom Warped Tour 2004 Highlights
Cheatin’ Soccer Mom played select dates on the 2004 Vans Warped Tour. Here are some gag reel esque …
Uploaded: March 4, 2006 at 2:40 pm
Length: 0:02:23
Rating: 3.33
Views: 1,769
Tags: Indie Rock Punk Warped Tour
Tails the Evil Soccer Mom
Tails tries to get his son, Jimmy, to a soccer game on time. Jimmy, the soccer champ, wants his …
Uploaded: December 13, 2007 at 6:02 pm
Length: 0:01:51
Rating: 4.51
Views: 4,767
Tags: Sonic the hedgehog riders zero gravity tails miles prower fox knuckles echidna redub re dub
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England Out Of Euro 2008

November 27th, 2007 admin Posted in futbol picante | No Comments »

The biggest football fest after the world cup is Euro Cup. The upcoming Euro 2008 will not feature England as they have been thrashed out in the qualifying rounds. It is a disappointing one for all English fans. I too was disappointed when England lost 3-2 to Croatia and was eliminated from Euro 2008 where England just needed a draw to remain in the Euro Cup. England being such a huge footballing nation and not being able to make it to the Euro Cup is a sad incident. This happened some years back in the World Cup tournament as well. Is the new coach Steve Mclaren to be blamed? However he was immediately sacked from his job. Ericson had done best to the English Football which was proven in the last World Cup. However the new coach is not to be blamed as well because that’s how football goes. In England at present the hunt for a new and capable coach is a big buzz. Even Morinho, Alan Shearer, Liverpools coach are among the most favored coaches.

Though there is a lot about English Football and the absence of England in the Euro 2008 could be compensated with the European League and the English Premier League with FA Cup and Carling Cup to name some of the top titles

Special thanks to Writers Pit

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Morelia 3 America 0 Repechaje liguilla 2007

November 15th, 2007 Posted in america, club america, futbol picante, liga mexicana, liguilla, morelia | No Comments »

Originally uploaded by ·bln

Los ex-ates del Morelia ahora convertidos en Monarcas virtuales, han destrozado a los jóvenes americanistas. Hoy venia platicando con un americanista de closet y me decía que el América juega mal y feo pero gana, desafortunadamente hoy no han podido decir lo mismo.
Ya que el joven técnico David Patiño motivo a los morelianos y les dio tepache del bueno , para que destrozaran a las águilas. Los americanistas tuvieron disparos al poste pero hasta ahí, nada mas.

En espn Jose Ramon Fernandez dijo que solo un milagro salva al América, ah pero recuerden que el Morelia sin afán de ofender a esa maravillosa afición ha sido históricamente cliente de los cremas. Y que en el fútbol mexicano y en especial con los millonarios , los milagros casualmente ocurren.
Recordemos aquella polémica liguilla donde medio Morelia fue al Azteca para ver como les robaban el partido en tiempos extras. Hasta el arbitro salio de los vestidores para inventar una serie de penales.

Para recordar y aumentarles las falsas esperanzas a los aficionados monumentales aquí les va este vídeo de las águilas de Beenhakker y sus Oman Biyik y Kalusha entre otros goleando al Morelia en el 94-95, algo así ocupa Brailowsky, aunque sigo insistiendo que vende humo.

para ver el Morelia 3 América 0 aquí.

Original post by Prismatico

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Alexi Lalas y comentaristas de ESPN Estados Unidos atacan con todo a la seleccion mexicana

December 31st, 1969 Posted in ascenso, desastre, futbol picante, noticias, polemica | No Comments »

a onblur=”try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}” href=”http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_wccgYyLgwWA/SXFN_JFWTmI/AAAAAAAAB8s/u7IftYb4KkU/s1600-h/lalasflag270.jpg”img style=”margin: 0pt 10px 10px 0pt; float: left; cursor: pointer; width: 150px; height: 200px;” src=”http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_wccgYyLgwWA/SXFN_JFWTmI/AAAAAAAAB8s/u7IftYb4KkU/s200/lalasflag270.jpg” alt=”” id=”BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5292096784302493282″ border=”0″ //abr /a href=”http://www.thefutblog.com/2008/04/alexi-lalas-american-superstar.html”Alexi Lalas/a y span style=”font-weight: bold;”John Harkes/span comentaristas de ESPN Estados Unidos atacaron con todo a la selección mexicana de futbol, arengan a la afición de Estados Unidos vaya a Columbus para sacar todo su patriotismo en el clásico de la Concacaf y aplastar a los mexicanos en sus propias palabras.br /br /Si no sabes quien es a href=”http://www.thefutblog.com/2008/04/alexi-lalas-american-superstar.html”Alexi Lalas te recordamos/a:br /span style=”font-size:85%;”span style=”font-style: italic;”Fue uno de los primeros jugadores que tuvieron fama y poco de fortuna en la Major League Soccer. Jugador de la selección nacional de Estados Unidos y de innumerables batallas con los mexicanos, su personalidad contrastaba dentro y fuera de la cancha, tenia su propio grupo de rock y viajo abriendo los tour de uno de los mejores grupos en su momento Hootie and the Blowfish, quienes eran aficionados al soccer./spanbr /br /span style=”font-style: italic;” rudo sobre la cancha , de hecho fue de la generación que span style=”font-weight: bold;”todavía perdía con la selección tricolor/span , contra México/span/span, span style=”font-size:85%;”span style=”font-style: italic;”también fue presidente del equipo LA Galaxy donde milita otrora estrella David Beckham, no sin /spana style=”font-style: italic;” href=”http://www.soccerticketsonline.com/alexi-lalas-likes-older-men/”polémica/aspan style=”font-style: italic;” incluida, como todo entrenador ex-jugador./span/spanbr /br /Los comentaristas de Fútbol Picante no se quedaron atrás Jose Ramon Fernandez,Carlos Albert , el Guama Puente y Huerta les responden:br /object width=”480″ height=”295″param name=”movie” value=”http://www.youtube.com/v/ITmSHr7wvvgamp;hl=esamp;fs=1″param name=”allowFullScreen” value=”true”param name=”allowscriptaccess” value=”always”embed src=”http://www.youtube.com/v/ITmSHr7wvvgamp;hl=esamp;fs=1″ type=”application/x-shockwave-flash” allowscriptaccess=”always” allowfullscreen=”true” width=”480″ height=”295″/embed/objectbr /iSi te gusto esta nota, deja un comentario o a href=”http://www.blogger.com/%C2%A8http://feeds.feedburner.com/Futblog/zDVf%C2%A8″subscribete a nuestro feed/a y mantente al tanto sobre todo el FutBlog/i

Original post by Prismatico

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