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Is Taylor Getting Phased Out Of Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills?!

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Camille Grammer may be the only castmember officially not returning for the third season of Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, but apparently, she’s not the only original on her way off!According to sources close to Bravo, producers are going to start gradually phasing out Taylor Armstrong from the series this year, and eventually, replace her entirely with someone new!Insiders explain: “Producers reluctantly decided to sign Taylor for the next season and I think a lot of their decision was based purely on the fact that they felt bad just dumping her after all she went through last year. But, they are definitely looking to phase her out of the show gradually. The feeling is that Taylor won’t really be bringing much to the table and that she’s not needed anymore. Producers don’t feel she’s particularly a sympathetic character and that she lost a lot of people’s respect by bringing out a book about the physical abuse she suffered at the hands of her late husband Russell Armstrong following his death, and that she basically cashed in on his suicide. Everyone’s concerned that without the marriage drama she’s just going to come across as dull. It’s unlikely that she’s going to be able to start publicly dating again so soon after Russell’s death and with her money troubles she’s unlikely to be leading any kind of aspirational lifestyle, so she’s basically not really going to have any interesting hook. “Such a shame! Especially after everything she’s been through on the show!We know re-casting on these shows is partly the nature of the beast, but we don’t know why Bravo is so willing to mess with this original cast – especially given the ratings they’ve gotten from them the past two seasons!Either way, we wish Taylor and her little one all the best, and are just glad that we’ll get her back in some capacity – unlike our beloved Camille!GUH! We STILL can’t believe they got rid of her! What do U think?? Should The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills switch it up or keep the original cast?[Image via WENN. ]

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One Response to “Is Taylor Getting Phased Out Of Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills?!”

  1. I’M still amazed that Bravo, Andy Cohan, and that slut have not been sued by Armstrongs family
    I think with Gloria RedDress as their council, they could collect millions, and at the same time rescue Russell’s daughter from that insane alcoholic dirt bag
    Now there would be a show worth watching

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