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The Kardashians Cheated In High School!

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What!?! Man, they’re just gonna take all their math club trophies away now!!!On The Talk, Kris Jenner reveals a not so admirable part of her daughter’s past. . . Khloe Kardashian used to forge!Kim Kardashian is more clever than her haters think!Kourtney Kardashian is the sneakiest!Oh my! These girls. . . always so scandalous!!!Presss play!

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2 Responses to “The Kardashians Cheated In High School!”

  1. Why is this poor excuse for a mother even being interviewed????

    Who cares!

  2. Being an idiot runs in the family…starting with pimpmom. And wtf is she doing on this show? Doesn’t she have two younger girls to pimp out? I bet she’s ecstatic to finally be able to collect her 10% off her couch potato riding azz loser son Rob

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