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Lindsay Lohan tiene sida ?????

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Esas son algunas de las denuncias graves, papá Lohan!Michael Lohan tweeted que no a su hija Lindsay Lohan sólo tuvo un romance con el magnate de la música Tommy Mottola, cuando tenía 17 años, pero también que ella es VIH positiva!!WTF?!Inmediatamente suprimido los tweets, pero hay capturas de pantalla de sus acusaciones!Sabemos que está loco, pero ¿podría ser cierto?!Estamos seguros de que vamos a oír de Lindsay y Dina en algún momento de hoy!P. S. CLICK AQUÍ para “seguir” Pérez en Twitter!

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10 Responses to “Lindsay Lohan tiene sida ?????”

  1. Thats fucked up.. if she does or doesnt its really messed up that her own father would do that to her.. what a fuckin scumbag.. i feel bad for lindsay shes had it rough

  2. I just went to his page and didn’t find any of those posts. Can you delete your own tweets?

  3. HIV is not funny in any circumstance. even IF this is true…her father should never be the one to tell the world. fucking scumbag.

  4. omg

  5. I honestly wouldn’t be suprised. At least then she’d have an excuse for looking like a train wreck.

  6. This is absolutely disgusting!!! No matter what is true the fact that a grown man would publicly do this to his daughter is completely unforgivable. This poor girl, if all this stuff is true or not he is single handedly fu*king her life up! I don’t care if she is a celebrity or not, she’s still a person and doesn’t deserve her father putting stuff like this on the internet. I hope to god she gets help and is able to get this douche out of her life for good!

  7. oh boy.

  8. I can’t stand Lindsey Lohan but how HORRIBLE of you to repeat that nonsense. True or not. Nobody should ever discuss someone’s HIV status unless they themselves have opened it up for discussion. Not to mention that I’d think you as a gay man and I assume somewhat active in the gay community would know that there is a difference between HIV and AIDS.

  9. True or not, he has no right. He’s supposed to he her FATHER. Jesus H. Christ, with parents like this, is it any wonder that this girl is a fucking mess? God, what limp dicked muthafucka this guy is. Old and ugly to boot. Toolbox.

  10. motola emotionally abused mariah, but would he have sex with an underage girl, not sure.

    no i dont think lindsey has HIV that would have come out along time ago, and ex bf and gf would have caught it and spilt the beans.

    mr lohan is a class A prick

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