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So You Want To Know What Happens At The End Of Recordarme???

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¿Estás seguro que quieres saber?Mira, vamos a ser honesto con usted. Hay un loco, sorprendente giro al final de la película de Robert Pattinson Remember Me. Lo sabemos, vamos a decirle a usted, pero si realmente estás buscando para disfrutar de esta película, recomendamos no seguir leyendo. Creemos que vale la pena la sorpresa.Así Deja de leer ahora mismo, si no quieres saber el final de esta película.No digas que no te lo advertí.Bien, aquí es el trato:Aunque los espectadores son guiados a creer que la película está ambientada en el día de hoy, es en realidad fijado en 2001. En los momentos finales de la película, el personaje de Robert Pattinson tiene una pelea con su novia, interpretada por Emilie de Ravin. Se va a ir a la oficina de su padre y cuando él llega, monta en el ascensor hasta la 92 ª planta. Mientras espera a su padre, él mira por la ventana y helpleslly relojes vuelo 11 de American Airlines, alcanzaron el edificio y muere en lo que hoy es conocido como 9 / 11.Película más.Ahora que es lo que llamamos un giro! Incluso podríamos ver esto ahora, sólo para el final!¿Qué piensa de la U final?!

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10 Responses to “So You Want To Know What Happens At The End Of Recordarme???”

  1. That’s a twist.

  2. I knew this would be an awesome movie since I saw the trailer. Rob was really focused and emotional in this film and there was a cute chemistry going on between the main characters.
    I really hoped them to end up happy, but oh well.. at least that was creative..

  3. WTF PEREZ?? TAKE THIS DOWN NOW! I can´t believe you just did that… I used to like you. But HELL NO that was low, even for you!!

  4. So much for a sequel.

  5. Warning or not it’s very bad and lame to post the ending of a new movie. You WILL have some important people pissed at you… are you trying to kill what little career you have Perez??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????//

  6. Now I GET the title, I have been wondering what it meant. Am I the only one who is going to see the movie because I know the end? I thought it was just a dramatic romance kind of movie so I have been debating about seeing it. But now that I know whats going on, i’m for sure going.

  7. If they do it well, that sounds cool.

  8. Why spoil the movie like that..that is so unprofessional! I dont know..but i am starting to get a feeling that your head is getting very big….there will come a time…perez..that no one in the business will want to deal with you…

  9. That film has a sad and depressing ending, mainly because things like that probably did happen on/because of 9/11….

  10. It’s even sadder knowing his brother had died in the 1993 attacks…oops, they I just ruin that as well?

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