Zooey Deschanel Dishes On Bondage Love With Justin Long!
Television’s newest darling might not like getting nakie nakie. . . But for Zooey Deschanel?s New Girl character Jess, getting down and dirrrrty was required for one HIGHlarious, awkward sexual encounter with Justin Long!If you watch the Friends-esque show, you?ll obviously remember the bondage-themed seduction ritual that went awry, resulting in a complete absence of satisfaction. Poor Jess, how could that old newscaster voice NOT turn someone on!?For Zooey, the scene was just as awkward to film it as it was to view it, because she’s NOT super comfortable with stripping down in front of millions of strangers!The bambi-eyed, heavily banged actress recently revealed allll the nasty little details of that epic erotic fail. . . So immerse yourself in Zooey?s S&M encounter (below)! “It was one of those scenes that was really funny on the page and when we shot it, evolved into a stranger and weirder scene than I had even imagined while reading it on the page. That one sticks out for sure. One of the things I like about the character is she?s very optimistic. She?s awkward, but she?s not afraid to try things. There?s something sweet about the fact that she?s not embarrassed of herself and the fact that her roommates say this thing and she?s like, ?Okay, that?s what I need to do. ” I think that?s sort of what makes her an interesting character to watch. I think this is a prime example [of] what makes her a good comedic heroine. She goes full force and does this thing. How many people would take the advice literally and really go for it? Not that many people. I think that?s what interesting about her. If I personally were in that situation I would be like, “You guys are crazy” but she just goes, “Okay, I?ll do that,? and that?s fun to watch because she takes the advice and then interprets it completely wrong. That?s what I loved about her in the pilot script. Whenever I see that quality in her I enjoy it. I had done that Mae West voice before so they had written that in. We were just practicing different voices and seeing what was the funniest. I think [Justin’s] was written to be a Cary Grant voice but then he decided on doing Jimmy Stewart. We were just trying everything and seeing what sounded the weirdest. Then I started doing this one voice and it just sounded so weird and ridiculous. If you knew what you were doing you would never try that voice in that context. That?s what sort of pushed it over the top into the ridiculous territory we wanted it to go. [. . . ]That?s the thing I like about making movies and television, is you have something that can be great on the page and then bring it to life and just bring new dimension to it. It was really fun because that?s what I sort of live to do. I?m not saying it?s not hard for anybody else but I like to be covered from head to toe most of the time. If I had my druthers, I would be completely like in a turtle neck or pants or floor length skirt all the time. So to be in a S&M style outfit doing that took a lot of my own bravery. [. . . ] I think part of being an actor is realizing you have to do stuff that is hard for you to do. Some people just like being naked or have no problem with that. I am not one of those people. Part of me likes doing it for that reason because it makes you very vulnerable and there?s something freeing about that. It was even more terrifying to begin with because when I was trying on the costume they were taking pictures and showing it to the executive producers. I had to wear a leather bondage thing and the whole thing was supposed to be tied on so tight you can?t get it off. Making all those elements work was a little bit of tricky puzzle. “Well ya did it, gurl! And you should be proud!! [Image via FOX. ]
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June 14th, 2012 at 4:39 am
She is so hot!!!