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Everyone Watched Grey’s Anatomy Season Finale? And Then They Cried

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Let’s start with the good news. . . ABC is living large after a drastic ratings improvement for Grey?s Anatomy on Thursday, up 11% from last week. One reason why so many viewers scheduled an appointment with their favorite sexy physicians was last week’s INTENSE plane crash cliffhanger. News leaked early that one or more characters were getting axed, so everyone tuned in for to watch Surgeon Roulette the Season 8 Finale!Which brings us to the bad news. . . Chyler Leigh’s character Lexie Grey suffered a heart-wrenchingly brutal death!Awww!!Chyler is a talented actress though. And anyone who can bounce back from the short-lived That ’80s Show can totes recover from this!![Image via FayesVision/WENN. ]

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6 Responses to “Everyone Watched Grey’s Anatomy Season Finale? And Then They Cried”

  1. Anonymous Says:

    Killing off Lexi is one of the biggest mistakes this show has ever made. She’s a fan favorite and a lot of people wanted her to get back together with Mark. I’m going to sit back and watch the ratings drop…. Unless this was some sort of weird dream sequence but I know that’s wishful/ unrealistic thinking :(

  2. Anonymous Says:

    THX for spoiler, and no I didn’t have to read rest of the entry picture was enough!

  3. Anonymous Says:

    Re: Fabian – You didn’t have to read it. Why even click on “Read the rest of this entry” if you don’t want a spoiler?

  4. Anonymous Says:

    I don’t watch GA anymore but I am addicted to the (kind of ridiculous) show Shonda has Scandal. Maybe Chyler could show up on that?

  5. Anonymous Says:

    thanks a lot you fucking douche! This hasn’t aired in the uk yet! Seriously twat

  6. Anonymous Says:

    i loved lexie :(

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