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Mitt Romney Called A Racist 14 Times During Press Conference

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With pipes like those she?ll never need a plumber!!Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney answered a question today about Perezident Obama?s 2011 smack down of Osama bin Laden when an unknown nutter woman in the audience began to yell:?Mitt Romney, you?re a racist!?She said it once. She said it twice. She said it AGAIN!Romney and wingman Rudy Giuliani tried to ignore her, but she would NOT quit!!While the woman lacked creativity, no one could question her stamina. By our count, she shouted the exact same phrase 14 times in a row!Romney appeared distracted at first, but he kept his cool and continued his monotonelogue. Keep up the good work, Mittens. This kind of heckler practice and a clean pair of magic underwear is precisely what you need to prep for your hopefully HIGHlarious SNL appearance!So who exactly was this wailing woman??Hmmm. Jane Lynch, do YOU have an alibi??What do U think? Does it pale in comparison to Sh*t Mitt Says himself??

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One Response to “Mitt Romney Called A Racist 14 Times During Press Conference”

  1. Anonymous Says:

    Looks like someone let Nancy Pelosi off her leash

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