Brad And Angelina Through The Years!
They may have only just announced they are planning to get married, but Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie’s engagement has been seven years – and six children – in the making!Ch-ch-check out a photo gallery featuring Hollywood’s favorite couple, in honor of their upcoming nuptials, HERE!Ch-ch-check out a photo gallery featuring Hollywood’s favorite couple, in honor of their upcoming nuptials, HERE!Ch-ch-check out a photo gallery featuring Hollywood’s favorite couple, in honor of their upcoming nuptials, HERE!Ch-ch-check out a photo gallery featuring Hollywood’s favorite couple, in honor of their upcoming nuptials, HERE!Ch-ch-check out a photo gallery featuring Hollywood’s favorite couple, in honor of their upcoming nuptials, HERE!Congrats congrats!GAH! We are TOO excited![Image via WENN. ]
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April 15th, 2012 at 3:12 am
Husband stealing woman.. No respectful woman would ever do that.
April 15th, 2012 at 3:49 am
Brad Pitt is getting old. He is not that hot anymore. He’d better get married to Angie fast before she trades him for a new one!!
April 15th, 2012 at 4:47 am
PEREA ITS VERY heart less of u to put the mr and mrs smith shot after all he was married to jennifer there and caused so much pain to her years of pain.. only now she has found happiness and these two rats in a drainpipe decide to get engaged they disgust me …both of them have gotten very ugly which is their karma and look at jen and justin they are gorgeous and very healthy and happy ..