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The Beatles 2 Is Possible ? Let That Sink In

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This. . . there should be laws against this, right?As it turns out, some very interesting people were pretty into the idea of creating a Beatles part two, called The Beatles – The Next Generation. Who was behind this madness??Try James McCartney — Paul’s son. That’s not all. Check out who he wanted in the band: John Lennon’s son Sean, George Harrison’s son Dhani and Ringo Starr’s son Zak. It’s not going to happen, though. So cool your jets. Can you guess which person didn’t even want to try to live up to the legend?We’ll just tell you. The soggy grape was Zak. . . and you can’t have a band without a drummer!On a scale of one to ten, how offended by this are U??[Image via WENN. ]

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3 Responses to “The Beatles 2 Is Possible ? Let That Sink In”

  1. I’d work on the Groups name…2GenBeat, XGenBeat, (or) something way more clever and Timely. The Beatles 2 -too derivative.

  2. Wow. He didn’t get Paul’s looks did he?

  3. That’s not offensive at all! I think it’d be a fabulous idea. I bet their kids are supremely talented! Best of luck to them!

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