Justin Bieber’s “Boyfriend” Takes Over the Web
Causing a storm of activity on Twitter on Sunday night (March 25), Justin Bieber was busy building up the hype as his new single “Boyfriend” saw in its midnight iTunes release. The 18-year-old dropped a Twitvid just hours before the tune’s debut, in which he spoke to the camera while saying, “I’ll pick you up around midnight. We’re going to do something special — maybe head over to iTunes and pick up a single real quick. “”I will be your boyfriend if you just head over [to iTunes] and get the single,” a smiling Justin added. Once the moment of truth arrived, an impatient Bieber vented his frustration as the song wasn’t showing up for purchase availability as the clocks turned 12 a. m. , as he tweeted, “yo @itunesmusic im trying to romance 19 million ladies with my music. you are kinda screwing this up for me. LEGGO! #BOYFRIENDonITUNES”Minutes later the issue was fixed as the surely massive “Boyfriend” sales were underway, with the Canadian hitmaker messaging, “IM HERE. #BOYFRIENDonITUNES NOW!!! #BieberBlast”
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