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Wow! Michelle Williams Impresses as Marilyn Monroe In The New Trailer For My Week With Marilyn

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Really, truly. We’re very impressed. Rather than choosing an actress with a public (and sometimes disturbing) obsession with the late, great Marilyn Monroe for this movie, The Weinstein Company picked Michelle Williams for the iconic part – and they should never regret that decision. Check out the trailer (above) to see William’s stunning transformation into the world’s most famous blonde. Also, keep your eye out for Emma Watson with serious, non-Heromione looking hair!Thoughts???

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4 Responses to “Wow! Michelle Williams Impresses as Marilyn Monroe In The New Trailer For My Week With Marilyn”

  1. Although I think they could have chosen a better actress for this role, it seems as if Michelle Williams does quite a good impression of Marilyn Monroe.
    I just hope that in that so-called week they can explain her true story.
    She was not a whore, to the above commentators. She was the same as you and I, but in the public eye and with important people.

  2. they should of called it “my week with a whore” lol.

  3. well…i guess its ok. you havent seen many marilyn movies or interviews, have you, perez? be honest.

  4. she really does do a great marilyn! I’m surprised actually, but it looks like it’ll be a decent film. I’ll have to see it!

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