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La libertad de Lindsay viene con muchos Condiciones!

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Ella tiene un descanso muy afortunado de un juez de tribunal de apelaciones el viernes, pero Lindsay Lohan tiene que …. .- Pagar $ 300.000 libertad bajo fianza.- Estar provisto de una pulsera SCRAM monitoreo de alcohol dentro de las 24 horas de su liberaci

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10 Responses to “La libertad de Lindsay viene con muchos Condiciones!”

  1. I read that VEGAS is taking bets to when her SCRAM bracelet will “` go OFF “` next!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    Fear not my fellow Americans “ LiLo has a court date on Oct 22. She could be ordered to jail for 30 days, (at least) for breaking probation with a cocaine reading“`. Knowing her“ she’ll fuck up again and get more time. I’ll sit here on the side lines and watch this play out“` once again.. booo whoo Just hope I don’t read her OBITUARY in the near future“` b/c that’s where she’s heading.

  2. This is just an example of how the justice system is a complete joke…and basically if you have money you can live above the law.

    the fact that she is put in a special safer place when she is in jail is also unfair…there are other ‘normal’ people who would have just as much of a chance of being hurt if they are put in with everyone else, but they never get special treatment as they are just ‘normal’ and not a ‘celebrity’.

    the fact that the attention to her case is so speedy is also demonstration of special treatment. she should have to wait in the same line up that everyone else has to.
    but this goes to show that in north america if you are famous or have money you are considered to be more important than everyone else…is like the new aristocracy or royal class. people just fail to recognize it until they see situations such as these.

  3. So that means stay home watch TV all the time.

  4. i don’t really care if she learns or not, but seriously! if it was me i would have been in jail a long time ago, and not just sitting in a cell able to do whatever i want, and see whoever i want, whenever i want. i would be in with everybody else!

  5. Sorry Perez… the law is the law. The judge had to give the option of bail, which is why the other judge got involved. I guarantee that if Lohan was not a celebrity, she wouldn’t have been sent to jail in the first place.

  6. Lilo NEEDS to go to jail. She need to go into “population” not “isolation.” I know it will help. She will see people facing the same demons as herself. I think she will get off of her high horse. Once your freedom is gone, it is gone! Jail is not like “OZ.” You will not get ass raped! It is jail NOT prison! Big difference! She has been given too many chances! Do your time! You have no one to blame but yourself!

  7. Exact same conditions as last time

  8. so it is okay for me to come to USA and do drugs, get caught doing drugs or under influence and I won’t go to jail??

  9. OMG – She should come & live w/ my best friend & i. We have TONS of fun and are totally alcohol/drug-free. We still get in trouble but it is SOOO SATISFYING to tell people, “No thank you, we don’t drink” & “No – I’m square.” Guys still trip all over us.

  10. i just have to say this…lots of you out there give an example of a friend of family member that has gone through something and that this is unfair…and i will say this…i have some friends that have had several dui’s or drug possession charges but because they are rich and white, nothing happens…its not because she is a celebrity, its because she has some disposable income or someone that she knows has it…and she’s white…

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