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Sexo en Nueva York 2 Pre-Venta de lanzamiento vende más películas!

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¿Por qué la gente está tan emocionada por esta película? El primero de ellos no gozaba de una vela a la serie original!Pre-venta entradas para el estreno 27 de mayo de Sex and the City 2 ya están a la venta – seis semanas de antelación! Y ya está fuera de la venta de películas en cines YA!Según el portavoz de Fandango Harry Medved:”Fue casi el 20% de nuestras ventas diarias cuando primero salió a la venta, y es superior (nuevo campeón de taquilla) ‘Kick-Ass’, que fue del 17% de las ventas. Vimos venta anticipada de entradas sorprendentemente fuerte en el primero, con muchos espectadores femeninos comprar las entradas en masa, la planificación de los partidos de cribado para grupos de amigos que estaban volando desde fuera de la ciudad. “Marketing Regal Theater Jefe Dick Westerling está de acuerdo:”Las mujeres de todo el país están ansiosos para planificar eventos y actividades relacionadas con su salida por la noche a ver la película, y ellos quieren una confirmación de que tienen entradas. Basándonos en nuestra experiencia con la primera película, esto puede llegar a ser absolutamente un elaborado y divertido por la noche. Aparte de comprar las entradas para ver la película, ya están reservando limusinas y hacer reservas en restaurantes. “Suponemos que nunca hay que subestimar la necesidad eterna ama de casa de mediana edad de sentirse fabuloso! Es la mitad de la razón Twilight hace tan bien, también.BARF.

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10 Responses to “Sexo en Nueva York 2 Pre-Venta de lanzamiento vende más películas!”

  1. Are you kidding?? The movie made me want to watch the show.

  2. I’ll say this for SJP she can wear fashion like no one else. See her legs in the poster come on even if it’s a little photoshop La Lindsey could not pull that one off. And as far as age goes check out Hollywood young set and they are getting botox in their twenties. I’m in my early 30’s and need nothing! But,
    these women take care of themselves. Go girls!!!

  3. Sex and The City rocks!

  4. Perez, I am diappointed in you. The first movie was great and I have watched it several times with a melonchaly feeling. You have to get that us ‘old’ housewives grew up in our twenties to this show and each of us feels cvonnected to parts of all the characters. They are the women we know, women we were and women we felt like through all the relationship learnings. Maybe you have to be a girl to understand it, and thats’s Ok. It is ours–leave it be.

  5. Perez, you’re an idiot. You talk smack smack smack about something that is a great escape. The original movie was great too. Funny. Quick and gave every one a little of what they wanted from each of the characters. This one will be no different. Rest assured that your staff writers have no clue what this movie will be like and do not speak for the community at large. Every person I know gay or st8 wants to see this movie for the fun it will be. Perez you can stay home in your old Toyota and pray the mats don’t move.

  6. i take offense to this perez. i am indeed a middle aged house wife who lives somewhat vicarously through the lives of celebrities…but if it is us housewives that push the celebrity overload in this country, then you better cater to us because we are a big part of the reason you are famous. Please don’t say Barf to your biggest fans.:(


  8. perez, what is up your ass? this movie made a great deal of money, domestic and international receipts were pretty amazing. you need to stop being such an ass hole about those “middle aged housewives” as many of them are reading your blog. should be careful as i hear another blog is coming out soon that has industry ties.

  9. I was a hugh fan of the series, but this movie looks goofy as hell. And I don’t know why Kick-Ass didn’t do better. That movie really was, well, kick ass.

  10. i’m going to watch it on video but that doesn’t mean i think the women who are making an event out of it are dumb. i mean it sounds like they’re going to have a good time. some people can’t go out clubbing all the time. seems like harmless fun with friends. is that not allowed in america anymore?

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