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Ha a $ slams Britney Spears, de nuevo

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Bueno, esta perra tiene que cerrar la trampa! Los gays se van a convertir en su tan rápido.La Cosa del Pantano también conocido como Ke $ ha aún está tomando cava en nuestra querida Brit Brit, sólo que esta novia cree que es ser inteligente al lanzar en una de sus canciones!Ella trina en su nueva pista, de espuma de poliestireno:”En 10 años, Britney Spears … Britney, ¿quién?”Si. Debido a que sólo ha sido consistentemente toma de muestras desde 1998!Vamos a ver cómo está pertinentes en diez años!Escuche la Tesis de abajo en la marca de 2:15.BTW, la canción es horrible!Pensamientos???[Imagen a través de imágenes la Fama. ]

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10 Responses to “Ha a $ slams Britney Spears, de nuevo”

  1. To all the people saying Kesha can’t sing.. Neither can Madonna or Britney, so your point is!?!?!?!?!?

  2. KeSha, who do you think you are?
    lady gaga?
    NEVER !!!!!!!!!!
    don’t be making fun of my brit brit, you sound horrible in real life- and you don’t rock the eye lady gaga star thing. You are just a wanna be. don’t even try.
    KeSha WHO??

  3. She didn’t necessarily slam her, the song is obviously about how NOTHING not even Britney lasts for ever, and it can even be about how hard it is to stay relevant in the pop industry

  4. Perez, the more you hate on her the more I like her.

  5. I think she’s jealous of Britney, only reason for hatred : Jealousy or when someone has done wrong to you. This chick is lame-_- Why is she bashing Britney all of a sudden

  6. LMFAO wow, Ke$sha or Tra$ha w.e you got Balls fyi birtney has benn making Top Selling Singles since 1998 so add subtract that from 2010 hunny that makes 12. And you think bashing Brit is gonna make your 15min last longer? Hmmm lets see if you got the Ball to Bash on Gaga…. i bet you dont so just STFU nobody likes you anyway your ugly. ;P

  7. is it just me or do you think kesha’s music style is schizophrenic? How many styles of music can you throw into one song. To me, she is just a horrific knock off of lady gaga image. She sounds like those girls {everyone knows one} that you just want to smack the shit out of because they talk like they are 14 their whole lives and talk shit for no reason. i can’t wait till she fades out of the limelight!!!

  8. Britney who? Uh it’s more like Kesha who? You would be lucky to be relevant at all in 10 years so SHUT THE HELL UP!!!!

  9. Okay well dissing Madonna and Britney is bad but ii like this song! Btw Its so true.

  10. hey Ke$ha. You cant sing, and your music is the kind of stuff penicillin is made for. Brietney will be around forever. Im suprised youve even had 2 singles. What a awful joke someone is playing on us..”stop tal talk talk talkin that blah blah blah”…REALLY BITCH?

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