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Kimberly Caldwell, tiene buen gusto!

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Mientras que ella no puede haber ganado su último año en American Idol, seguimos pensando que esta temporada dos finalistas llegarán lejos en el negocio de la música.Ella tiene un excelente jefe sobre sus hombros!Kimberly Caldwell pidió recientemente que se pensó sería la persona ideal para sustituir a Simon Cowell, una vez que salió del programa. Su respuesta fue lo que la respuesta de todo el mundo debería ser: PEREZ!!!Kimberly dice: “Creo que Pérez es la única otra persona que es tan brutalmente honesta – realmente brutalmente honesto – que en realidad podría trabajar con él. Y su opinión es respetada en la industria del entretenimiento. “Oh, no eres la más dulce perdedor de un reality show que jamás hayamos oído hablar de!Obtener a las personas a bordo!PEREZ DE IDOL 2011!!![Imagen a través de WENN. ]

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10 Responses to “Kimberly Caldwell, tiene buen gusto!”

  1. perez would be too favorable over certain people

  2. He might be funny on there you guys. Lol. We could laught AT him all the time.

  3. sigh

  4. Sorry PigDrezz, not going to happen!

  5. Fuck NOOOOOOOO! Never,ever gonna happen! Give it up,Perez!

  6. If perez is on AI I will stop watching. Way to BEG ON YOUR KNEES for a job; It’s so pathetic. And I agree with Best in Show…who are you hiring to write this crap? So many mistakes.

  7. This nobody is just kissing your fat ass in hopes that you will bombard your crappy site with posts about her. Too bad you will never get on the show and she will remain a big ol’ NOBODY!

  8. Aw, Perez, didn’t you read what Simon said about his replacement? The only thing that was necessary? “They have to be good looking” he said. LOL, I guess that rules you out.

  9. I love how the best (only) person you can find to “support” your desperation is an old castoff that does TV guide now (famewhore). No real individual would think twice about letting you on the show and no one gives a shit about what you have to say you ugly son of a bitch.

  10. See, here’s my prob: While I love Perez, why is it so fricking hard to put a person from the MUSIC BUSINESS on the show? I will stop watching forever unless the new judge is in the music business. I love Ellen, but she’s not in the biz – wrong show!

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