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Growing Pains actor encontrados muertos

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Una noticia muy triste.El cuerpo del desaparecido actor Andrew Koenig fue descubierto el jueves en Vancouver.La estrella de Growing Pains, que sufría de depresión, había desaparecido hacía más de una semana.”Mi hijo se quitó la vida”, dijo el padre de Walter Koenig, un mismo actor (Star Trek alumbre), quien habló en una conferencia de prensa en Vancouver el jueves por la tarde.Su cuerpo fue encontrado en Stanley Park en Vancouver.”Ya hemos dicho lo que un gran hombre que fue y (lo que) un buen ser humano. Era evidente que una gran cantidad de dolor”, dijo el mayor Koenig. De otros que sufren de depresión, agrega: “Si se puede aprender algo de esto, es que hay gente ahí fuera que realmente importa. Así que antes de tomar la decisión final, mira eso y hablar con alguien”.Triste. Triste. Triste.Pero estamos de acuerdo con Walter, el suicidio no es la respuesta!

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10 Responses to “Growing Pains actor encontrados muertos”

  1. Boner! Oh no, not Boner! Poor, poor Boner…. As if I actually give a fuck about Boner. I just love saying Boner Boner Boner ha ha ha. Oh yeah, it’s bad to kill yourselves kids, just take a lot of pills, you’ll be fine (Boner).

  2. I still remember the joke on the show how his character’s dad’s name was Sylvester Stabone. I was in elementary school, thought it was hilarious, and couldn’t wait to share it with my grandma.

  3. Ugh !!! who cares no–1 gave a fuck about him 4–hella years till this drama and in 3 weeks no–1 will give a friggin shit either but hey atleast that fucker Kirk Cameron is getting press prolly 2 promote sum christian bullshit lol

  4. Re: _bluejeanbaby_

    sorry, but the headline at the top of the page reads “celebrity juice, not from concentrate!” no longer celebrity juice…just false advertising. I’ve been coming to this site for 4 years and am finally deleting from my cache. DONE.

  5. Awww Perez you showed your true colors again. Thanks for the stalking of the wo-man while someones child was found dead! Your a joke as usual!

  6. This is so sad ): Suicide is NEVER the answer. Hopefully anybody suffering from depression will learn from this and seek help before it gets to this point. My prayers and thoughts are with his family and friends.

  7. I broke down at this news. I am a survivor of multiple suicide attempts, sufferer of major depression, and a stronger WELL individual. This guy could have gotten help. It could have been family reaching out. It could have been a medical system that encouraged free healthcare. It could have been that one friend that dragged his ass to the hospital and wouldnt giveup on him. We don’t know what could have saved his life. But I know it was preventable. This was a terribly senseless death. It might sounds cliche, but this was a permanent solution to a temporary problem. And you fucks with nothing better to than be critical are douches of the first order.

  8. Mental Illness is a serious disease.. depression can be so bad that some people think this is their only way out… I’ve been in that boat and my heart breaks for him… hopefully he is in place with no heartache.. get help before you get to this point!

  9. Re: zooby – That’s very ignorant of you. I have two family members who havd passed by their own choice. They often do not show any sign and it is a shock to family. Anyone with a clear head would realize what this would do to their family. Comment on something you know about or leave sympathy for the family.

  10. Omg my heart just dropped :( So sad. I think we all knew it would end like this, but I was really hoping for the best. So unfortunate.

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