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“Friends” Helping Friends: Aniston Hearts Mexico

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By Lola
Mexico is so lucky. Jennifer Aniston, that tireless philanthropist, has directed her laser focus onto its many difficulties, and has finally hit on a way to pull it up by its bootstraps and make it all better: she’s going to stay at the One&Only Palmilla in Cabo as long as she can, and she’s going to bring all her friends, and they’re going to spend their money to make a difference. Yessiree, Bob, she’s finally found a way.
And not only is she boosting the country’s tourism industry, but by golly, she’s getting those orphans taken care of, too.
In an interview with Access Hollyood, she explained how she arranged this trip after a male friend (probably Gerard Butler, who happened to be in the same villa), suggested it to her:
“He said to me, ‘You come to Mexico all the time and Mexico is really hurting right now because of the swine flu and the drug trafficking and all of this sort of stuff but it’s not all of Mexico. ’ These people survive on us coming down and spending money and coming here to these beautiful places. It sort of made sense to sort of say ‘Hey, let’s help out Mexico. ’ Let’s shout out to these kids in Tijuana at El Faro. That’s sort of our birthday celebration this year. ”
So she “shouted out,” she certainly did, by taking time out from her $9,000 a night birthday celebration and launching the Farita doll, which raises funds to aid children at the Casa Hogar Sion orphanage in Tijuana, Mexico. (Worthy cause, by the way. Not knocking that one. )
She adds, “I have to tell you when you drive up to this place you see these kids come running out and you hear a chorus of (sings), and they are just bright. These kids don’t feel like they are sitting there going, ‘Oh my life sucks, look at where I live. ’ They have been given a lot of love and they’re getting educated, which is the most important thing for them is to have an education and have knowledge of what they can do. ”
I know the profundity of Ms. Aniston brings tears to your eyes, as it did to mine. In fact, fellow MP writer, Lisa Coleman, and I, would like nothing more than to be able to help boost Mexico’s economy with a $9,000-a-night stay at the One&Only Palmilla. For a week. And we’ll whole-heartedly support the Farita doll effort. It’s the least we can do.

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4 Responses to ““Friends” Helping Friends: Aniston Hearts Mexico”

  1. Yeah, I guess she’s doing what she can, the best way she can… Pobrecita. I named my doll María, what did you name yours?

  2. Jennifer is doing what she can do-the best way she can do it. Why not do something yourself and buy a doll for the orphanage!

  3. Indeed, my esteemed colleague. Methinks she needs to get her sound bytes scripted and vetted before she ventures to give them to the press.

  4. Lisa Coleman Says:

    You know, it’s up to us to “help” these Hollywood bobbleheads be “philanthropists” by demonstrating how articulate and savvy they are about Mexico’s problems… whatever, Jennifer.

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