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Kevin Smith es gordo!

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Por lo menos, de acuerdo con Southwest Airlines!El director Kevin Smith se inició un vuelo con salida el aeropuerto de Oakland, ya que lo considera un riesgo de seguridad y le pidió que dejara el vuelo. Lo peor era que ya estaba sentado y abrochado en!Se metió en Twitter a explicar.”Me rompió ninguna regulación, no ofrecía” riesgo para la seguridad, ‘(lo que, se me van a rodar sobre un compañero de viaje?), “Él tweeted. “Estoy forma de grasa … Pero yo no soy HAY todavía”.La aerolínea finalmente se disculpó y lo puso en otro vuelo con el bono de $ 100 por su trabajo, pero Smith no tenía ya!”Querido @ SouthwestAir, estoy en otra de sus aviones, sentado y abrochado de forma segura-de nuevo, en espera de ser expulsados a la fuerza frente a la normies”, continuó Tweet. “Mira cómo estoy de grasa en su avión! ¡Rápido! Tirarme!”Southwest incluso le envió algunos Tweets disculpa después de que vieron todo el apoyo que recibió en Twitter por su inconveniencia embarazosa.¡Uf! ¡Pobrecito! Eso es suficiente para hacer que usted quiere comer!P. S. HAZ CLIC AQUÍ para “seguir” Pérez en Twitter!

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10 Responses to “Kevin Smith es gordo!”

  1. I will never fly Southwest again.
    The seats are uncomfortable for most people – the airlines should make the seats more comfortable for all their passengers. Fat people should not have to pay more – this will lead to all kinds of discrimination. Business won’t hire fat people because they won’t want to pay extra for business trips.

  2. I am Soooooo fricken sick of body prestigious, come on Perez your not naturally a skinny boy! Starve yourself, yeah….. but naturally your a fat boy!
    It could happen again….so be a nicer guy!

    The Miss.

  3. He’s a famous director. He has money. Why is he flying on Southwest Airlines? It’s Greyhound in the sky.

  4. What? No fat jokes?

  5. please post some juicy gossip that chubby face its been there for hours hahaha

  6. He is one fat bastard,lol.

  7. I think Southwest has a problem with plus people. A similar incident happened to a friend of mine.

  8. I love the people going off and bitching about “GAWD so gross fatties overflowing all over their seat next to me ugh!” How about following the facts, kids. Smith is fat, but he says he fits fine with the armrests down and doesn’t need any special extender for the seat belt. That’s Southwest’s OWN GUIDELINE for determining whether someone should be required to buy another seat. And kicking him off for being “too fat” was just idiotic. This is clearly a case of an over-zealous flight crew with a hatred of fatties. While they violated Southwest’s guidelines for determining who’s too heavy, it’s obvious the airline’s policies and culture encourage this type of attitude.

  9. I just spent the last hour listening to Kevin Smith’s SModcast. I’ll never get that hour of my life back. Heard his side, ok…WHAT DO YOU WANT NOW? Jesus. He recommends not flying Southwest, perfect! Maybe it will bring the fares down even more! Less money beening spent on extra fuel. The whole SModcast was the F-word. Not since Bennifer has he had this much free publicity before a movie coming out!

  10. I love Kevin Smith, but it sucks to be seated next to people who overflow beyond their space. It’s uncomfortable and pretty gross. Though with Mr. Smith, I’d probably adjust!

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